Dearest Readers, 

Love is pure Joy. 

It’s a feeling of oneness in sync. Flowers and candy are flying off the shelves and small tokens of friendship are shared in appreciation for love and kindness.

Summa of what I LOVE….

this breath, warm cozy settings, soft touch, my grandmothers memory, my moms smile, my dads laugh, the clear blue sky today, the birds song, rosebuds, bonfires, friendship, having a true best friend in my husband, my nieces and nephews, rainbows, homemade creations, wild spirits, butterflies, hummingbirds and the light in my boys eyes.

We use the word LOVE generously and can apply it to everything.

LOVE is a healing feeling that really can change the world. 

I named this platform LOVE IT UP because in a world that moves so fast and on to the next I wanted to remind myself that with all of life, LOVE IT UP. 

with open arms,


rain on me rainbow

Love is a Rainbow

Happy Holidays

Just sit down and write….that’s my constant message on mental replay. I have unfinished everything and my feet are cemented in the routine of nothingness. What I mean is, I take the kids to school, I try to give my hubs some space to work in our apartment, I make the usual calls to my mom and sister, and I think about what is my next move? Who do I want to be?

Just being able to ponder possibilities is a privilege.

Getting stuck in the shouldy shit show is wasteful and useless.

Distraction is the biggest inhibitor for me. I know that I need more discipline to power down, stop scroll, and and cancel convenience. moving at the pace of technology never felt right, but as time passed, I joined the party but I’m realizing that its the same song and no exits off the dance floor. The constant streaming is devastating to peace of mind.

Why do we report on the same bad shit all day long?

My thoughts seem to ramble but I’m going to release the floodgates. Democracy is the the freedom to choose. No one wants to give that up. In order to have that freedom we have to embrace that choice is different for everyone.

The push back on vaccines and the right to choose “my body” if that’s the sentiment then why do we have legislation mandating rules on a woman’s body? That is some double standard, backward bull shit.

Clean it up. call it out.

sayin one thing and meaning another is old ass shit. It’s time for some new new.

As far the last few days of 2021, the joy of living is ahead.

Sweet 15

Ime40. Sweet15. Celebration dance. Move ya body. Balloons and confetti. LOVEITUP


Summer is ending, but the new beginnings keep unfolding. I have found new gratitude for my health. Living with my mind and heart open in the unforced rhythms of grace is where I want to be. My sons are growing and learning much faster than the pace I had set for myself. I find gems along my journey, gifts. Today I found one in the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. She talks of the gifts in nature and how a gift creates a friendship and continuum of reciprocity. I believe that to be true.

The author speaks of strawberries as the Earth’s gift. The Heart berry. Its shape and aroma make it so sweet. Do we cherish the heart of the Earth and all it has given us? The genuine gifts that surround us are fading because we fail to recognize them as so.

I will give more generously. Recently, my brother ran into an acquaintance that knew our grandfather. He shared a story about how my grandfather would wear nice ties and if anyone ever complimented him he would give the tie to that person. The divine law of giving your best to others is what I want to model to my sons.

The ways in which I give my best are through my cooking and caring for others. Being able to share my heart through this format of a blog. Capturing moments in time for families with my camera. Working in the garden.

I seek SOULutions. Gifts that generate more Love and compassion.


Welcome to the Space Jam

I finally signed my kids up to play sports. There was an occasional side eye when I told other parents we didn’t “play” anything. Of course we played, but I resisted joining a team or league. Becoming sports obsessed with your kids is a slippery slope. In the competitive world of parenting I dropped the ball when it came to pre-registering my kids for athletic domination. 

Post- pandemic, now my boys are playing basketball. We’re 0-2 so far with 3 games to go. Out of all the sports I heart basketball. I’ve only played with friends, never with a team. When I’m a participant I prefer easy, friendly games, playing around the world. As an observer, I get a little loud, the stakes are higher and I feel the intensity. The game is moving and changing moment to moment. The physicality and endurance of the players, keep you in suspense the whole game. I love the teamwork and the art of adaptation. 

Now, I’m in the stands, cheering my boys on. Calls for teamwork, and blocking and clapping for buckets and good efforts. They’ve talked to me about it, next game I promised to be cool and collected. 

I wanted to practice with my lil ballers, so 30 minutes before swim practice we decided to shoot some hoops.

All I remember is that I was dribbling, and one son was guarding me and then I was on the ground. 

Big mom fall hard. 

I retreated to watching the baseball team practice instead of playing. 

We had a whole moment where my lil guy apologized for guarding me like a beast and I apologized for getting upset about my skinned leg . I could have done better and taught my kids about playing through it and not walking away.  It was a lesson I had to learn in their presence. Much appreciation and gratitude for seeing it now and the chance to do it better.

Bigger lesson, my coordination and pivoting needs improvement.

from baby ballers to lil ballers

Into the Desert

We set out for an adventure. Camping in Joshua Tree and sleeping under the stars was calling us, and this weekend we answered. I honor the majesty of Mother Nature and the beauty she shares with us. I also respect the unforgiving elements that reveal personal weaknesses and insecurities. My experience with camping is a beginner level at best. Raised to be an indoor princess, I feel the challenges of not having personal and private access to running water and bathrooms. Sleeping on the ground is another pain in the neck and back that I do not accept graciously. Although my complaints persisted in my head, I marveled in the wild freedom that was gifted to me and my family. Seeing my sons run through the desert jumping over dry river beds and witnessing their imaginations take flight was a glimpse into the wild nature we are called to return to. All material desires cannot survive the unrelenting climate of the desert. You must adapt to the surroundings or accept the consequences. Distractions can be disastrous, and lack in preparation can result in failure to survive. This journey uncovered my dependent nature on comfort and familiarity. I want to challenge myself to break away from those personal parameters I have constructed in my mind and become desert strong. Able to withstand any extreme and bloom beyond what I imagined possible.


For my girls

My niece sent me this TikTok video to share some wisdom with me. It showed a crowd of men in India staring at this beautiful, regal woman. She looks at the camera and proclaims that no good comes from trying to protect women because it creates this male behavior that lusts after women’s bodies. I’m putting my own spin on what she said, but that was the message. She also said “teach men how to behave and how to respect women.” I had to give the praise hands emoji back to my niece because this is TRUTH!! 

When will the World get it? Maybe when we stop drinking the misogynistic kool-aid. I feel isolated when I talk about the dangers of men drunk with power. Women in my own family feel no shame in expressing their lack of trust in women and unquestioned support of men. In a way that feels like a betrayal and attack against every woman, including myself. 

Some argue that today’s accusations of abuse and harassment are destroying young mens lives. Surely we can acknowledge the countless women who have been torn apart by men’s accusations. This is not tit for tat, or eye for an eye kind of karma, but a fate that a lot of women have already experienced. Around the world there are fatal consequences for not being what society or your family thinks you should be as a girl. A woman faces blame, exile, or death for surviving an assault. She is forced to carry the shame and survive the trauma alone. 

All women have experienced, in some form, being told they should be something other than what they are. Whether it be something big like who to marry, or something so trivial as what shade of lipstick to wear. There is never a clear picture or example of a woman who gets it right. Just a barrage of comments and suggestions of how she should be different than what she is. 

As sisters, we have much work to do. Alongside with our conscious brothers. TOGETHER. My rights and freedoms mean nothing if women around the world do not have the same. The strong women responsible for raising me were not formally educated beyond eighth grade. To that point, the men in my life did not have degrees or diplomas in some cases. I never thought much about the value of education until I fell short from graduating college myself. At that time I felt that work experience would serve me better as I made a career for myself. My intention then was more about material goals than purpose driven work. Now, wholeheartedly, I believe education is the passport to opportunities and advancements in all areas of life. Not just for the individual but for the world as a whole. We need to passionately advocate for better education for our daughters and our sons so that we may live in a world where fair gender collaboration is revered.

The majority of domestic workers are women. These are roles that serve to help others achieve their highest potential, yet these women are often overlooked and underpaid. They have no benefits, no sick leave, no insurance. They serve unconditionally for the families they work for, while their own families have to manage in their absence. No one should have to give so selflessly all their lives. The seasons of womanhood need to be supported with policy and legislation to guarantee all women opportunities and education. 

So much of the vitriol for women is built into the foundation of the world we live in. In modern times we still question women’s motives and intentions when speaking out. How does she benefit from revealing this truth or speaking to power? How dare she? She’s calculating and manipulative? There is no end to the insults and injury that is perpetuated against women. Even with the bitter climb, women continue to reach for the top summit. Examples of this are Alexandria Ocasio Cortez speaking to congress about a male colleague calling her out of her name. The Duchess of Sussex speaking out about her personal struggles in the Royal Family and the UK. Marianne Williamson running for President and using her voice to invoke a mutiny in the heart of America. Jackie Letaru who is demanding better in Uganda through being a leader in her classroom and community. Ai-jen Poo, a dedicated activist working to bring dignity and fairness to domestic workers. Nadya Okamoto, breaking the silence about periods, the menstrual movement! Helena Gualinga, an Indigenous activist fighting against big oil companies who threaten Mother Earth. Malala Yousafzai, a hero and leader for girls education. There are so many girls and women taking risks and speaking out. If only we all can be so brave to listen to them and act with courage. Together incite a revolution that brings the change they seek and the change we all need. 

You can find out more about the missions of the Amazing Women mentioned in this post here:

Malala Fund, Nadya, Helena, Jackie, AOC, Marianne, Meghan, Ai-jen

This post is dedicated to my young nieces Rachel Sue and Sophia Camille. Be Illuminators and Shine Bright.

You can Dance

Dancing is my total let go. That physical thing that happens when my body is just feeling the music and rhythm. I feel such exhilaration when my body’s emotional expression is through movement. When I’m a dancer everything is alright. 

Dance floors, crowds, bodies in synch. Every body is creating this vibration. The room pulsates. The DJ would take you on a journey, casting a spell with every spin and scratch. Just when you thought you could break away the next song would drop the bomb on you. I want to get Funkdafied. Today, in a rare moment of privacy, I turned up the track and tore up the floor and danced my heart out. 

I have so many good memories around special dances. One night in Palm Springs the Hubs and I were walking under the stars. It was quiet as we walked through a back alley lined with palm trees. We stumbled onto a wedding in full dance mode getting down to all the hits but just as we approached the song pumping through the speakers was “Shout” by the Isley Brothers. We each spontaneously busted a move and danced through its entirety. We couldn’t stop, we wouldn’t stop. 

The lyrics said it all for us as we danced the night away.

In high school there was an audition to work with an L.A. choreographer for an independent dance performance. I gave it my all and got a spot in the group. I thought I had just been chosen to be a backup dancer for Destiny’s Child or Britney Spears. 

The Hubs joined me in taking salsa classes. I had to learn to let him lead, it wasn’t easy, but through dancing together more I have learned to trust more. Dancing makes my life better. My body craves it. Dancing and singing have this sacred investment in my well-being. It yields high returns on my mood and outlook. If you ever need a pick-me-up just play this song. It will surely make you get up and DANCE!

Super PAC

I’m starting my own Super PAC, Positive Affirmative Committee and our focus is to shine a light on dark and unregulated systems that affect our daily lives. 

There is no going back, we have to look ahead and get it right for real this time. We need some serious re-structuring. 

My sister and I disagreed about age the other day. She feels that our elected officials should all be older because they have more experience. I think we should have some young blood in those seats of power to bring some fresh ideas to the table and get some experience. I support anyone at any age that has a vision for how we can do things better. 

In fact, this is my first order of business. Every senator and house representative must be paired up, one old and one young from opposite parties. There should be a 10-20 year age gap between them. That would be the start of seeing differences married together for the greater good. When I was in school it was tradition that eighth graders had a kindergartener buddy for the year. How about senior centers merged with day care centers? Think of the progress in all generations if we could start to play a more central role in each others lives. 

Today I heard a term that I didn’t even know I had shamelessly bought into. 

The Personal Responsibility Myth. Responsibility and Accountability are not just on the individual. Environment and choices available are leading factors in how goals are attained by the individual.

There is a very broad spectrum regarding this myth, but I am specifically referring to the PRM of health. When it comes to vaccinations there is a debate if people with a high body mass index should be considered priority to receive it. What is considered a big BMI? How is the scale measured? Who set the guidelines? Is it moral and ethical to deem a group unworthy of vaccine priority? When does prioritization start to shift to preferential? The bigger point made in this story is the myth of personal responsibility. There are a variety of factors that contribute to the quality of a persons health. When an individual is judged as lacking personal responsibility that creates a stigma. Those stigmas become belief and then we forgo solutions. Being your own advocate is exclusive to those who believe their voice matters. 

My mom and dad are struggling with type 2 diabetes. They are over 70 and anxious about the covid vaccine, but they want to get it. Should they be denied because their BMI doesn’t fall into a range that is worthy of saving? My parents are trying very hard to manage their health, but still they fall short. I don’t believe we should be penalizing individuals because of a distorted personal responsibility myth. There is a personal responsibility to doctors to help their patients not judge them. The partnership between doc and patient is interrupted by the third party of insurance. There is so much I don’t know about how insurance and big pharma work, but I know that they are more about business than health. To be fair, our society doesn’t make choices easy. How many ads are we fed about food and alcohol? Leaders and company’s don’t promote or encourage a healthy lifestyle.

The Positive Affirmative Committee wants every voice to be heard. The roots of these problems start with seeing people not as just a statistic but as a whole human. Just imagine how solutions could be implemented if we could just hear each other better. 


Learning the unfiltered history of our Nation can leave one feeling… many things. I have seen my husband be the center of discussions around diversity, inclusion and corporate commitment to creating more opportunities for co-workers of color, but these discussions have infuriated and exhausted him simultaneously. The redundant phrase of reform is disheartening because our country has been in a stagnant phase of reform for centuries. 

Hope springs eternal because at least we have younger generations that are more focused on fairness and justice for all. We the People have the Power. Black history is the the glue of our collective history because the contributions and sacrifices are infinite. Celebrating this culture and beauty of spirit influences our present and is shaping our future. 

I have virtually attended Alicia Keyes Soul Lounge recently and this is a woman dedicated to raising our consciousness and spreading kindness in every community. Her soulful voice and open heart are gracious gifts that just make you feel so good. 

Megan Thee Stallion is another woman I am in awe of. She shared her commitment to complete her degree in Health Administration and her goal to open an Assisted Living facility in her home state of Texas. Talk about a WAP (Woman About Power). Doing this while holding top spots on the music charts. She is the definition of Women Empowerment!

Stacey Abrams, I Love You! Georgian goddess who won’t back down. Her grassroots efforts registered so many voters that it turned the state blue. I aspire to bring people together through truth and conviction the way Ms. Abrams does. 

In my own life I have my mother-in-law who is the embodiment of a strong black woman. She is a fierce mother of seven, a force in the kitchen feeding souls and stomachs and a creative grandmother who is affectionately called Mamone. 

My husband continues to shine through his skin and be a friend and ally to many. He is just Mo, and his soul is a light like no other. He is our Heartbeat Dad\\\\\ When he smiles, we all smile. Whether it’s making breakfast, working long hours at our kitchen table, helping with zoom school, He shows us LOVE in all he does. Just the warmth of his embrace can make anything better.

Honoring Black History is an offering to the people of the past that have paved the way for all of us. 

Candles Lit

I LOVE the kickoff of February. On the 1st we celebrate our #1, my hubs, the father of my sons, my deepest LOVE. This year I was on point with surprising my man for his birthday. Since home is the scene, I hired this guy who plays the saxophone to come play live for a us and a few close family members.

The Hubs has been our rock during this crazy year, and never can I ever imagine going back to the rat race grind again.

Sneaking in XOXO sessions, laughing about the madness of zoomschool, doing martial arts as a family, and taking catnaps have become our new normal. Just the time together has been the biggest gift that I am so thankful for. 

When we started dating in 2001, we were just kids. In fact, it was his 18th birthday that we started to talk and spend time together. We would just lay close and listen to music. That’s when artists like Maxwell, Donell Jones and Erykah Badu became the soundtrack to our romance. We have spent a lot of birthdays with one another. I do my best to keep surprises a secret and he tries his best not to find out about them. 

To all the hits that still keep that sizzle…. I dedicate these to the one I LOVE.

Baby baby baby baby, You make me wanna have Wild Thoughts. Tell me I’m your Lady. You know you’re my Brown Sugar. I can go On and On about This LUV. Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace. That’s the Way LOVE goes. Cherish the Day when its Nice & Slow. I Belong to You just let my LOVE Adorn you.

All these memories are the foundation of our LOVE. Let’s keep LOVE growing baby.


In the Now

I had to let it all wash over me, 2020 that is. Everything that was, is over now. Courageous action by humanity will create something fresh and better. 

There is a lot of joy in my heart seeing Madam Vice President Harris serve in the White House. I could feel the collective cry of women when she took her oath. What a powerful moment, seeing her shine!

My eyes and mind are tired of the constant discussion and reiterations of what happened. My heart and spirit are more invested in what is happening. Let that hope for better pave the way. 

Simplicity is my resolution. Just that intention alone will rebuild the sacredness I seek.  

I heard this line in a movie over the weekend, “ask less questions, get more answers.” Such beautiful words. I have been drowning by the questions of others and doubting myself. I believe the answers are in not knowing sometimes. I feel good in that space. 

This week in school the focus is KINDNESS. I suggest it be extended through the rest of the year. This world could definitely benefit from a generous helping of KINDNESS. We could all start by not talking so negatively about the people we don’t agree with. The poison of gossip and opinions are corroding our ability to be decent. 

We all view the world through different lenses, but there is beauty in the kaleidoscope.  


What is at stake when everything becomes endangered?

While driving and listening to NPR (become a contributor, I heard that the Monarch butterfly is endangered. 

As the sad news passed through my thoughts, I couldn’t help think, when was the last time I seen a Monarch? Would that be the last? Then the report continued and there is a disturbingly long list of animals at risk and on a list waiting approval for federal protection. How does one decide what is worth protecting? It’s hypocritical that humans are responsible to authorize protection for endangered species when we are the ones that threaten the animal kingdom.  

My little boy is mildly obsessed with saber tooth tigers. When you ask him what his favorite animal is, that will be his answer. While the prehistoric tiger has been extinct for over 10,000 years, it is famously remembered. Considering the growing list of present animal populations threatened of becoming extinct, what are we willing to lose and just remember? 

As we find new meaning in the spirit of the holidays+Covid I find myself wanting to give my children the gift of witnessing all the natural beauty of the land we live with and an honorable duty to protect it.  I share the knowledge of what plants provide and how they heal and nourish. The birds song and how to listen. I will teach my sons that just because you can does not mean you should. Our world and the life that comes from it is not ours to conquer or take. 

To my sons, be gentle and kind. Hold all life as sacred whether it be human, a tortoise, a tiger, a tree, or a delicate butterfly. 

May we honor all life as the same and eliminate the danger we pose to ourselves and our beautiful world. 

I Be Believing

What does believing mean to you?

It’s that, without a doubt I know this to be true feeling.

I believe in my family, the goodness of others, kindness and LOVE. 

LOVE is the universal bond we all believe in.   

Last night the hubs and I watched Lillies of the Field. I love when a classic slips in and you find all kinds of meaning and worth in it.

One line said it all to me…”Everybody wants to give.”

I believe that to be true. 


Heart and Home

Just gonna dream out loud here for a minute. I dream of time together without masks or distance. Closeness without fear or hand sanitizing. We all just need a hug. 

I am so burnt out from it all. I have faith that we’re turning a corner and heading toward better days, but wowza, stubborn pride isn’t gonna concede no way no how. There is this notion that you can’t trust change. I beg to differ. I feel more calm and secure in change. I understand this is not the norm for most, but I argue that if we do not allow change in our world we forfeit our imagination of how much better life can be. 

Housing has been on my mind a lot lately. The hubs and I are in this conundrum of should we stay or should we go? We want to stay in our city, but we can’t afford to buy here. I feel guilty for even dreaming of more when I see so many of our people sleeping on the street. There is a snobbish attitude when it comes to housing. Our society makes it so hard to secure such a basic human right. There should be no requirements to have shelter. Like my kids say, “that don’t make no sense.” 

Getting pre-approved has a checklist, and even after you hit the mark there are incidentals, closing costs and fees that you have to budget for. These types of red-lining and policy’s marginalize so many of our citizens leaving them unable to provide for their families and thrive in their communities. Homelessness is national disgrace and the solutions should not be so difficult to access. Whether it is temporary, permanent, renting or owning all people deserve the right to fair and safe housing.

My desire to own a house is to be able to open my doors and give a place of belonging to others. In the movie Forest Gump his mama shared her home with people needing a place to stay. I envision myself like that. I dream of a home where my nieces and nephews can live with us when it comes time for college. Where my parents and mother-in-law can live and visit our family in comfort. Somewhere to cook and share meals together. My great grandmother turned her home in Pennsylvania into a rest home for seniors. She used her skills as a homemaker to take care of others. Mabel Amelia was a woman of action.  

When I had my sons we were in between housing. Since they were premature we were lucky enough to be able to stay at Ronald McDonald House (Big Mac’s make a Big Impact for families).  In fact, staying in this beautiful home and sharing our vulnerabilities with other families was one of the most profound experiences in my life. I loved it so much and I will always be grateful. 

The concept of sharing a space and committing to the well-being of everyone is humanity at its best. We can do way more of that. 

I get a lot of input about what we should do, what our family deserves, the low interest rates we need to take advantage of, but honestly we have everything we need and want right here and now. I am blessed to have shelter in a safe neighborhood where I know my neighbors and feel the kindness of others on a daily basis. I’m surrounded by natural beauty and warmth just having my family together during this time of uncertainty. I can live with that. Sometimes nonresistance is the change we need, just letting something new move through you. 

Nature's Finest

Let it be

It’s Friday, I’m just being, and it feels good. There is a lot in my life that is out of my control and I’m not referring to the political stage. I have stopped trying to understand it or change it. I’m just going to be.

Some new loves and gratitudes I have are……

Records, Hey DJ just play that funky music…. MUSIC…all night long

dancing while cooking

the generosity of others

Truth tellers

the cool breeze


the new neighbor we see on our morning walks

the leaf my boys gave me

all the babies I’ve held this week. thanks to the mamas who shared their lil ones with me.

My husbands patience. God, thank you. This man is a blessing.


My prayers are that we all treat each other with kindness and respect.

not fade away


I have to shake it up and share a truly humbling moment. 

It was an ordinary weekday, but I had participated in some zoom dance classes and was feeling an extra pep in my step.

I had showered and was feeling fresh. I already transitioned from spandex pants to an ankle length cotton shift dress. 

The hubs and I were discussing moves that engage your core. Naturally I wanted to share some of the moves I had practiced earlier.

As I was telling him how hard it is to stand and do leg lifts and stationary kicks, I felt that a demonstration was needed to really show the strength of those moves.

I was in a standing lunge with my front foot slightly out in ballet form ready to point my toes and kick my back leg in front of me like a Rockette dancer.

Controlled. Graceful.

As I swept my back leg past my standing leg the hem of my dress pulled all of me up and I unintentionally did my first Deathdrop.

I sat still. Stunned and nervous that I had done some real damage. The hubs was disturbed and panicked at what he had just seen. Asking me repeatedly if I was ok. He was shook.

I had literally kicked my ass to the floor. 

Major props to the Queens who are lit and have perfected the death defying drop.

Mine needs a bit more practice. 

ReFrame it

I have become way more engaged in civics, economic and social policy and what it means to govern. My own journey through financial downfall sparked my interest. Then I became a parent and that blew the door open to inequalities when it comes to healthcare, education, and housing. Once the door was open, I started asking more about banking, what about veteran’s affairs, (my dad served in Vietnam), Medicare for my parents, the climate crisis, equal rights, prison reform, addiction issues. It never stopped. Then we elected 45, and the circus around politics became more like a freak show and my interest evolved into full blown worry and fear. Today I have to consciously ask myself daily what can I do to not to contribute to the madness. How can I effectively make a difference in my home and community and the peoples lives around me. Whether it’s making a donation to a service that helps the community at large, or offering some of our own PPE to the person dealing with homelessness in this pandemic. There are small things we all can do to try and make it better for someone else. 

The Framers are mentioned a lot when we talk about issues today. Men that laid the framework for our democracy. Self appointed men that drafted the constitution. They’re dead but always present in every modern debate and battle on how to move this nation forward. I feel it’s in our best interest to reframe the constitution to better serve our world, not the other way around. A document should NOT be held in higher regard than the people it was designed to serve and protect. Without the PEOPLE of this NATION, there is no constitution to uphold. 

The framework of our landscape has definitely evolved into something that is hard to look at, but it’s there. Massive, overwhelming and painfully present in our daily lives. The ugly ooze of hate and bitterness is seeping out of every corner. We have old wounds that have never been treated or healed and the infection is deep. Cleaning the wound is one step, giving it time to heal is vital. (And no picking before its ready)

In the process of this election, we have some truths to face. Is this the story we want to tell? My feelings and opinions have no weight because they immediately take the conversation off course. I see the problem in America, and in most of the world, is that there is an extreme and violent regime that seeks to keep power from most people. The goal is to dis-empower most people. 

Politics only set limitations to what we can achieve. A course correction in our connection to our planet should not be a partisan issue. We ALL should have access to healthy food, clean water and air.  I’ve seen food deserts first hand, and when your diet consists of only processed foods at QSR’s, human beings suffer. Communities feel hopeless when they are forgotten. As people we are so detached from one another, and ourselves that we feel emboldened by ignoring the simple and effective ways to stop the spread of this virus. 

How can we lay framework for a better life for everyone, not just a selected few? Solutions are created when we have everyone represented at the table. Just yesterday I became aware of a  position in government called the PUBLIC ADVOCATE. My head exploded! I have been voting since 2000 and I have never heard of this important role that serves to hold government officials accountable. A PUBLIC ADVOCATE in every district, county, state and federal branch is the election we all need to be focused on. Giving all the power to one group was something the Framers were clear about wanting to abstain from in a democratic system. Imagine a tough, non side choosing badass HMFIC elected to PUBLIC ADVOCATE that had the authority to check elected public servants who were not doing their job. 

Who ‘gon check me boo? Me, the PUBLIC ADVOCATE, that’s who!!!

The change starts with us, in our homes. Then the roots grow into our communities. How we nurture these systems will branch out in all levels of leadership . That trickle down bullshit is one of the ideas that needs to be REFRAMED. There is so much attention on the federal level and really its the state and local governments that have the most impact on our lives. If there was more balance and accountability, we might be in a very different position in the world today. 

People say Progressive like its bad. Progressive Insurance is popular and creative with their ads, people love it and they save you money, but add that word to politics and it becomes a threat. The existence of the planet can only claim one constant and that is change. Not listening is the biggest threat to our world. I love this quote by Maya Angelou, she said “When people tell you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.” Do we want to be a country that prides itself on selfishness or selflessness? The masters of spin can always twist the perception of the public so I urge you to listen to MOTHER NATURE, if not ,then our ignorance will be the final curtain on life as we want to know it. 

MOTHER NATURE don’t play, and when you don’t LISTEN, you gotta FEEL. 


When I get up everyday I feel called to ACTION.

To ROCCAM. (to participate, engage, act and rock in all ways)

To get out the message that we ALL need to VOTE!!!!

The desperate move by Senators and the POTUS to fill the seat on the Supreme Court is SHAMELESS.

We as citizens should demand the resignation of all politicians that vote in favor to nominate a new justice before the 2020 election. #liarshavenoseatingovernment

Give our country and the Honorable Justice RUTH BADER GINSBURG that RESPECT.

The NOTORIOUS RBG was an exemplary citizen and judge of JUSTICE and EQUALITY. She fought tirelessly for US ALL. Thank you.

I am not interested in your politics. I am, invested in the life of our world. Everything is dying, being threatened or destroyed. Humanity is becoming endangered every time we argue about issues that affect us all. Denying rights to others is denying ourselves. A TRUE message that our world needs to remember is “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF”. Even the ones that push fear and hate among us all.

If we want our children to inherit air to breath we better overcome the battle of the ego’s and stop listening to the deranged voices that profit from dividing us.

We need to work harder for the greater good for ALL and stop allowing this petty patriotic cronyism to exist in our government on all levels. OUR WORLD depends on it.

LOVE IT UP for the Honorable Justice RUTH BADER GINSBURG. Her words, Her wisdom. Her Truth.

  • “You can disagree without being disagreeable.”

  • “When contemplated in its extreme, almost any power looks dangerous.”

  • “Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

  • “I’m a strong believer in listening and learning from others.”

Take RBG’s words and apply them. Let them be EVERLASTING. Let them be OUR LAW.