Today is MLK day. His legacy of inspiring us to be a better a Nation of people during a time that was so hostile toward him was like walking with Jesus. In this moment of NOW, I am encouraged to stand with all people and find the common thread that connects us all. There is more that can be done, but Dr. King’s seeds of good have made the ground fertile for more great acts of courage and change. Greater strides for education and income equality, fair support systems for families, and corporate responsibility to sustain communities are vital. Martin Luther King brought people together. His leadership crossed all lines and barriers that prevented human kindness toward one another. People marching side by side for the cause of equality is present today. The struggle for progress cannot be lost in distractions. Now is the time, NOW is the Time, NOW IS THE TIME! “One day this Nation will rise up and live up to its creed, We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.” -Martin Luther King Jr.