Love it Up

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The mornings have been so beautiful. I am lacking the discipline to be an early riser, but when I do get up as the sun is rising I am in awe of how majestic it is. I am thankful to be here, NOW. My sons are finishing up first grade and I am proud of our homeschool efforts. Let me be clear, we have had more screen time, some eye rolling and frustrations, but overall we understand each other better. Instruction on self wellness, connection, and leadership, take a little more effort to explain.

These are just a few concepts that I am trying to create an awareness about in our home. I found a suggestion about how to show your kids how one action has a ripple effect throughout the world. Drop a pebble into some water and watch the current go out. The vibration is in everything. Even something small can have a big impact.

What kind of impact do we want to have? The ripple effect will be felt far beyond the present moment. How will we look back at this time?

20 years ago, I was a high school graduate experiencing a world post Y2K and pre 911. My junior college cost $11 per unit, I developed my film into prints, I still bought my music and picking a movie from blockbuster took just as long as it does now to scroll Netflix.

There is more work now than ever for every generation that has come before this 2020 graduating class. I am proud of all the graduates who made it through quarantine, helped their families in so many ways, sacrificed and cooperated for the health of all our communities. I want to make you proud by being engaged in what affects you. The present moment demands that we pay it forward for the young, old and everyone in between.

20 years from now, I want to feel peace in my efforts to contribute to our world. I want to make it a safer world for all living creatures to THRIVE. I want to know that I helped, served, comforted and uplifted. I want to live in the UNFORCED RHYTHMS OF GRACE, and there is enough for everyone.

Be safe. Stay Healthy for yourself and others. Love to all.