Love it Up

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Faith over Fear

Faith over fear is the mantra that I have to tune into more often these days. Before Corona or modern day B.C., it was easy to have faith that all would be ok. Now, putting that into practice takes faith too. More than ever I feel the call to be brave. The time demands that we all do more for everyone. There is no one to blame, we all had been walking on thin ice for a long time. Mother Earth deserves this break from humanity. We have been exploiting her gifts for far too long. This is not a war of us against them because them is us. The time upon us is demanding transformation.

I can see my own shortcomings where I failed to act with courage. I had become comfortable in my life. Now I am being challenged mentally, physically and spiritually and I am embracing it. The phrase back to normal is meaningless because normal is toxic. There is nothing normal about children being hungry. It’s not normal to leave schools in decay while we wait to vote in the next election. It’s not normal to let our elders decide between medication and eating. It’s not normal to raise animals just to be slaughtered. It’s not normal to give greed a platform. It’s not normal incarcerate whole communities. It’s not normal to constantly take. It’s not normal that a pandemic has to occur for people to slow down. Let’s face it, the shit is a mess and it will take many brave souls to stand up for better.

The systems we have couldn’t sustain us even if there wasn’t a pandemic. What good is small percentage of people doing well and the majority, at best, is treading water holding baggage above their heads and with weights on their feet. There is no balance and no justice. My heart hears the call to be Brave and I feel connected to all my brothers and sisters who feel the same call. The men and women who are sacrificing their safety daily are the true spirit of the world. My niece took her first job at the start of this pandemic as a grocery store clerk. She is a sophomore in high school and she dove right in to serve. That is heroic.

We have the goods, the creativity, the imagination, the technology and the people to build better and smarter. Let’s build communities that encourage togetherness. We need to overhaul how we educate our youth. Language, culture, and diversity should be celebrated. We should honor our elders and protect them from systems that seek to exploit them. Medicine should be used to heal and strengthen our people not weaken them. Food should be for nourishment. We have a responsibility to the soil and seeds to grow new life into this world.

I’m ready to do the work.

Sending LOVE to Everyone.