Love it Up

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This is a fiery debate between parties that gets lost in the argument of right and wrong and fails to see the painful reality that is a LIFE-CHOICE for the individual. No matter what your beliefs are, abortion is a Life Choice for the woman that no person or law should infringe upon. I view this issue as a legal medical procedure that is an option for a patient. Most of the time we only hear the extreme views of the left and right but no one has empathy for the painful consideration that a woman goes through coming to that decision.

If we want less abortions then we need to be discussing contraceptives and family planning. We should not be judging why a woman chooses an abortion, that is a extremely personal LIFE-CHOICE. There are so many different reasons a woman may have to consider abortion and the effects of that decision will be with her forever. She should not be vilified or questioned. My prayer is that every woman will be granted personal power over her own body to make her own LIFE-CHOICE about when it is right for her to bring new life into the world.

I have read stories of women who were anticipating the arrival of their new baby and then suddenly have to make a heartbreaking choice to abort for serious medical reasons. There are cases that a woman may not be supported in her life by her family or her partner, and lets face it, raising kids in isolation is bad for everyone. There are examples of incest or rape or simply not wanting to be a parent. All of these are not for congress, medical professionals, or the public to decide but for the woman who is pregnant. Her LIFE-CHOICE should be private and respected. It does not need to be understood or approved by anyone other than herself.